Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Nazis Were Just Like You & Me (Well, You, Anyway)

With the obvious exception of Oprah, white people love NewAge:

It's little wonder, since whites allowed "spirituality" to influence American culture, there's a lot of innocent people getting traumatised.

Notice the literary slight-of-hand, when "infidelity" and "open relationships" are equated as similar, even though one is the ugliest of betrayals and the other, an agreement.

Notice the (very popular) requirement of "Setting aside judgment and suspending beliefs" in order to merely talk with candor - a talk that's obviously a monologue because you won't be saying much without your mental faculties.

And, without a "moral and ethical" framework, you're being told,  openly, not to acknowledge "right or wrong" - knowledge which forms the basis for your own protection, and the protection of those you love.

Yep, NewAge "leaves an open doorway for discussion and exploration" alright, but mostly about where this evil, bankrupt, broken, and cowardly "nature-loving" philosophy has came from:

And where it's led before,...


  1. So, fuck the New Age bullshit of "self-esteem" that you've been carrying on about...

    Go to the Catholic Church.

    Find a priest that you like as a friend. They're out there.

    Catholicism is a real religion based on admiration for the Father.

    As I said, forget about whether or not you believe in God. Doesn't matter.
